Version History in Google Data Studio

Version history lets you view and restore previous versions of a report or data source.

Data Studio keeps a history of your changes in a report or data source. You can also save, view, restore and delete previous revisions of your report. You can also see the timestamp and the editor of that version.

Version History in Google Data Studio
Version History in Google Data Studio

Follow these steps to see a version history of a report in Google Data studio.

  1. Select File > Version history > See version history (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H or +⌥+Shift+H), or

  2. Click the dropdown selector next to the report name to See version history.

Restore previous versions

  1. Select File > Version history > See version history (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H or ⌘+⌥+Shift+H)

  2. Click the version you want to restore on the right panel.

  3. Click Restore this version on the top right

On the right panel, you can also access the following

  • Click on the ellipsis (⋮) to rename or delete an existing version

  • Only show named and published versions toggle

  • 💡! If you delete a version, you can't undo this action.

Name a version, by default, its timestamp and the owner name who created it

  • Select File > Version history > Name current version.

  • Enter the desired name for your version, then click Save.

Name a version in Google Data Studio
Name a version in Google Data Studio

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