Arrange Menu in Google Data Studio

The Arrange menu has all the settings for arranging the components to build a visually appealing and uniform design report.

Arrange Menu in Google Data Studio
Arrange Menu in Google Data Studio

Arrange Menu


The order options control how objects appear in front of or behind other objects. Only available after selecting a component(s), e.g., Scorecard, Textbox

  • Bring forward — to bring selected component(s) to "one step forward" in the display order.

  • Send backwards — to send selected component(s) to "one step backwards" in the display order.

  • Bring to front — to bring selected component(s) "in front of all the other components" on the page.

  • Send to back — to send selected component(s) "behind all the other components" on the page.


Use alignment options to arrange components to line them up, either vertically or horizontally. Alignment options work only after selecting 2 or more components, e.g. two charts

  • Align horizontally: Left, Center, Right

  • Align vertically: Top, Middle, Bottom

💡 Alignment doesn't work for lines


Use the distribution options to adjust the amount of space vertically and horizontally, and the selected components are evenly spaced in the specified direction. Distribution options work only after selecting three or more components.

  • Horizontally

  • Vertically

💡 Distribution doesn't work for lines

Make report-level

Use this to make components appears on every page of the report. Then, to revert to page-level, Right-click the component and select Make page-level, or you can select the component and goto Arrange Menu > make page-level

Make page-level

By default, a component in your report appears only on the page you have added it to. To make a component appear on each page, Right-click the component and select Make report-level, or you can select the component and goto Arrange Menu > make report-level

Group (Ctrl+G or +G)

Use grouping options to group several components together; this help to move while keeping the arrangement and alignment you have made.

💡 The grouping is also provided you options to set a custom date range and filter to a set of graphs/data. Let's assume you want to have a custom date range for all your Scorecards; you can group them together with a date range filter. That date range filter control applies just to the Scrocards groups and will not affect other charts you have on the page. It's very handy if you have a different date range data label, e.g. one of your data is a month label, and the rest are by date.

Other benefits of grouping

  • You can edit the DATA tab options of grouped components together. You can configure the default date ranges.

  • You can apply filters to a group of components.

  • Right-click, the group and select Ungroup to break up a group.

Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G or +Shift+G)

To ungroup your selected group

💡 You can't group report-level components with page-level components.

Enjoy reading the guide? I have explained every chart available in the new Data Studio Book here. Visual explanations for graphs configurations, style, format, and recommendations. So you can also see how the final result will look and why one design is better than others for the same chart.